- Inspired, March 11-13 at the Ohio Theatre, is a collaboration with Cincinnati Ballet. The last time we did a similar collaboration was 2014 with Symphony in C, hailed as one of the best performances of the year by The Columbus Dispatch. Read more about Symphony in C here.
- The show features three shorter works by three celebrated choreographers, including George Balanchine, Trey McIntyre and Edwaard Liang. The title stems from the inspiration each choreographer took from various music, literature, etc.
- Age of Innocence was choreographed by BalletMet Artistic Director Edwaard Liang and premiered by the Joffrey Ballet in 2008. Liang titled the piece after Edith Wharton’s novel, but it was Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice that got him thinking about creating the work. Liang received a $20,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to bring Age of Innocence to BalletMet.
- George Balanchine choreographed Who Cares? to 16 songs George Gershwin composed between 1924 and 1931. It’s a 40-minute ballet and first premiered on Feb. 5, 1970, with New York City Ballet. Cincinnati Ballet and BalletMet will share the stage for this work.
- Cincinnati Ballet will perform Trey McIntyre’s Wild Sweet Love, a piece made unique by its eclectic music. The ballet follows the familiar story of a woman’s search for love, set to everything from The Partridge Family to Queen and Roberta Flack.
- Tickets for Inspired start at just $29!