Thank You

Each season, BalletMet relies upon generous gifts to support world-class artists and programming, Dance Academy training and community education and engagement. In this extraordinary year, we are especially grateful for the commitment from our community. We are honored to recognize the individuals, corporations and community organizations that support BalletMet and make our work possible.

Individual Donors

We are honored to recognize the individuals who support BalletMet and make our work possible.

Acknowledged below are gifts of $150 or more made between July 1, 2023 and September 1, 2024 to support operating expenses, special events and special campaigns.

Michael and Paige Crane
Susan and Grant Douglass
Denise Littlefield Sobel
Nancy Strause


Dr. Barbara Braham and Rick Braveheart
The Richard D. Kimble – William G. Huggins Fund
The Beatrice Pearce Shepard Fund


Joan and Jack George
Alexander Main and Eileen Galvin
Anne H. Melvin Fund
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre


Duane Baggerly and Jim Cushing
George Barrett
Ellen German Berndt and George F. Knight
Debbie Phillips Bower and George Richards
Trish and John Cadwallader
Beth and David Fisher
Allan Forsythe
Sarah and T.R. Gross
Michele Holcomb
Debby and Ira Kane
Melissa and Jonathan Kass
The Reverend John M. Kauffman
Edward A. and Kathy E. Kitchen
Doug and Monica Kridler
The Seymour and Fran Luckoff Family Fund
Thomas H. and Nancy N. Lurie
Bridgette Mariea and Joseph Wisne
Mr. and Mrs. David M. McCurdy
Deborah Neimeth
Tadd and Nancy Seitz
Lisa and Jon Shiroma
Larry and Cheryl Simon
Kara Trott and Bob Philips
Julie and Bruce Weinberg



Anonymous (3)
Jewel and Frank Benson
Amy Bonitatibus and Ryan Crowley
Jane and Michael Brady
Herbert Bresler and Cheryl Vaia
Roderick Chu
Kimberly A. Coleman
Lynn and Ted Coons
Beth Crane and Richard McKee
Joe DeCola and Jacquie Wynn
Richard and Teresa Marie Dumas
Marion and Larry Fisher
Mark Fitzpatrick
Amelia Gandara and Alex Frommeyer
Eric and Tracy Henderson
Charleen Hinson
Ann and Tom Hoaglin
Steel and Pamela Hutchinson
Karen and L. Douglas Jennings
Mike and Linda Kaufmann
Sarah and Jim Klingbeil
Mary Lazarus
Lyman L. Leathers Fund, in memory of H. Lee and Evelyn F. Leathers
Stacy and Joel Lilly
Cindy and Neil Lynch
Mary Pat Martin and Rick Livingston
Christopher McManus
Tracy McMillan and Bob Wheeler
Terry and Cindy O’Connell
Brad Ostroff
Victoria E. Powers and David Horn
Rebecca Slayman-Gallagher and Everett Gallagher
Hugh Westwater and Linda Larrimer
Becky Wright


Anonymous (2)
Sandra Alibrando
Stacey and Louis Borowicz
The Boyd Family
Thomas and Sharon Brinker
Sandra L. Byers
Amanda Conner and Family
Mary S. Duffey and Tony Logan
Nancy Edwards
Tom and Carla Eisenloffel
Edith and Charles Emery
Gail Ferber
Sylvia Fergus and Kent Rigsby
Ann F. Fobes Designated Fund
of The Columbus Foundation
Jim Frey
Debra D. and Frederick G. Hadley
Joyce Hearne
Jan Hollett
Mr. Eric T. Johnson and Dr. Rachel G. Mauk
Susanna Robbins
The Salopek Family
Linda and Rainer Teufel
John Wakelin and Anu Chauhan
Sean and Katherine Walther
Robyn and David Wenzke
Richard and Pamela Yost
Jasmine Zellner and Mitchell Logan
Susanna Zhu


Anonymous (3)
Deborah Anderson
Stanford Apseloff
David and Carol Aronowitz
Lauretta Bain
Thomas Bay and Martha Kerr
Pam and Jack Beeler
Evelyn B. Behm
Jim and Susan Berry
David J. Binkovitz
Alfred H. Bivins
Carol Boster Kotler and Mark Kotler
K. Bouman
Carol Branscomb
Pat and Ross Bridgman
Laura and Jim Burchfield
Margaret and Bruce Burns
William and Deborah Carter
Diane Chang and Patrick Wiesel
Susan Cohen and Doug Williams
Janelle and Michael Coleman
Mark and Mindy Corna
David Crane and Liz Dang
Carolyn Durr
Cheryl and John Evans
Michael and Janet Finn
Kathleen M. Fox and J. Amery Fitch
Robert E. Fry, Jr. and Janice Quatman
Dick Furnstahl and Terri Stankiewicz
Bob and Linda Gaffey
Sherri Geldin
DeeDee and Herb Glimcher
Sarah and Scott Good
Ron and Louisa Green
Tracy Gross
Kevin and Cindy Hackett
John and Victoria Hart
Joe E. Heimlich and Jim Hodnett
Cindy and Larry Hilsheimer
David and Mary Hockenbery
Mary Ann Hopper
David Houze and Michelle Moore
Donna and Larry James
Andrea Justiniano
The Kirkpatrick Family
Tammy and Torsten Krings
Drs. Scott Kurzer and Shu Wang
Douglas C. Lance, Jr. and Anne M. Smith
Beth Lenoble and Maury Walsh
Larry and Jayne Liff
Jeff and Amy Loehnis
Dr. Adolph V. and Mrs. Anne T. Lombardi Jr.
Elliott Scott Luckoff
Thomas and Andrea Mackessy
Debbie Marcus and Rex Moskovitz
Barbara Markle
Dr. Linda Meadows and Dr. Brenda Stearns
Kirk and Christine Merritt
Amy and Bob Milbourne
Nancy Niemuth and Mark Ervin
Gretchen and Scott Mote
Jane and Mark O’Loughlin
Judy Orsborn
Mike and Pat Papai
David and Rebecca Patterson
Hannah G. Pirwitz
Chip and Lucy Porter
Bill and Anne Porter
Caroline Rocco
Anne Powell-Riley
Stephen Rogers and Daniel J. Clements III
Marcia and Charlie Ruma
Robert Shelly
Shawn and Andrew Show, Jr.
James and Jeanne Shull
Jean Twombly Snook Fund
Judy and Jim Sonnett
Ellen Sostarich
Joan and Press Southworth III
Cindi and Jeff Stewart
Sheldon and Rebecca Taft
Nate Tansky
William and Stacey Teets
Phil and Monica (Dorman) Tuttle
David and Kelly Vaziri
Lane and Rhonda Wallace
Craig and Connie Walley
Bruce and Jane Walsh
Seanna and Matthew Walter
Drs. Steve and Cindy Wanamaker
Rick and Rita Wanner
Ron and Melissa Weber
Judy and Herb Weisberg
Nan Winslow
Michael Yaffe and Karin Y. Stump
Mary Yerina and Bob Redfield
Kitty and John Young
Heidi and Jay Yurkiw
Patti and John Ziegler


Anonymous (5)
Samuel C. Baldone
Connie and Kenneth Becker
Karen Bell and Ben Maiden
Dr. Tom, Penny, and Kirby Boes
Jonica and Ryan Burke
Robert V. Byrd
Mary Citino
Diane Cumming
Gregory DeRosier and Kelly George
Nancy Donoghue
Andrew and Lindsay Dunn
David and Anne Durell
Mary Fewlass
Deborah and Robert Forsblom
Evelyn and Harvey Freeman
Elaine Grogan Luttrull
Susan L. Hart
Sarah Benson Hatcher
Marcia Horvath
Bruce and Dorothy Hotte
Patricia and Brent Jackson
Erin and Patrick Kelty
Sandra A. Kight
John and Chrissie Landolfi
Curt and Mimi Loveland
Rose Luttinger
Doc Nancy H. McClary
Martha H. McTigue
Malcolm and Barbara Mogren
Stephen and Lynda Nacht
Nevalyn Nevil
Carol Ludtke Prigan
Marina Rabinovich
Cathy and Ed Rainaldi
R. L. and Barbara B. Richards
Nancy Rigsby
Peter and Matina Ross
Stephen Samoy and Charles Christie
Ian and Elizabeth Schmitt
William and Maureen Severns
Robert and Barbara Shapiro
Dr. Mike and Jan Simek
Marcia Katz Slotnick
Seyman and Sadie Stern
Kathleen Sullivan
Tom and Linda Swan
Sharon and Felix Wade


Anonymous (8)
Al and Dorothy Allen
Kenny and Blythe Brown
Robert and Nancy Brown
Sherrod Brown
Peggy and Doug Buck
Amy Arnett Budzik
Robert and Amanda Bundy
Carolyn Thomas Christy
Todd Clark
Bev Darwin
Amanda Dicus
Denis Driscoll
Danielle Dunn
John Easton
Elizabeth Anne Edmiston
Kate Erickson
Betsy Freytag
Jason Gay
Trish and Bill Gianakopoulos
Barbara Goettler
Jack Gold and Jeff Griss
David S. Guion
Lydia C. Hadley
David and Sharon Haines
Dr. Anne M. Hyland
Steve and Doris Ing
Gale D. and Steven M. Klayman
Carey Collins Krug
Barbara Lach, Kathleen Lach and Dan Rowan
Ellen C. Leach
Matthew Leahy and Lauren Yen Leahy
Douglas M. and Susan S. Levin
Whitney Lucks
Jerry and Rebecca Madine
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Markwood
Nada and Bob Mazurek
Lauren and Mark McMills
David and Betty Meil
Lanah and John Miller
Karen and Bill Montgomery
Karen Moshgat
Gina Olsen
Mindy Patrick
Jennifer Phillips
Todd and Nyla Phillips
Cheryl Rainford and Jon Dreibelbis
Susan and Wesley Rhiel
Ralph and Jan Rosenfield
Debby and Marty Rosenthal
Melanie Samoy-Lutz
Timothy and Anne Schenz
David R. Schooler
Frank Shyjka
Sue Skasko
Lisa Snide
Sally and John Stefano
Judi and Jim Stillwell
Ralph and Joan Talmage
Ellen Tate
Carole Tennenbaum
Maria Torija
Joan Wallick
Brooke Wancheck
The Whisler Family
Ronald and Ramona Whisler
Steve and Holly Wittmann
Hope Wolman
Min Yong
Mara Ziminski


Anonymous (11)
Darla Abraham
Rebecca Alexander
Alice Armstrong
Randy Arndt and Jeff Baker
Sara Arnett
George and Vanessa Arnold
Ruth Bank
Jeff and Kira Bartlett
Traci Dodderer Bentley
Sarah Bethel
David Blau
Troy and Kathleen Bonte
Gilbert and Stephanie Borlaza
David and Mary Bourke
Jack and Nancy Bowers
Joyce Butler
Thomas and Patti Cotter
Nena Couch
Bob and Laura Courtney
Brad, Brittany, and Evelyn Coy
Melissa Dabakis
Jill Dean
Sara Arnett Devol
Stan Durkin and Madeline Shaw
Bobbi Englebeck
Bernie and Linda Erven
Renate and Boyd Fackler
Dr. and Mrs. Roy E. Farneman
Betsy and Jack Farrar
Alan and Connie Fermier
Rick and Diane Fletcher
William and Jane Forbes
Steve and June France
Korine Fujiwara and Cameron Bennett
Michael Ganio and Shawn Parker
Chuck and Kris Gehring
Marcy Gingerich
Albert and Barbara Glover
Sharon and Raimund Goerler
Kathy Goldberg
Mary Ann and John Graham
Kellie Grant and Gregg Hamilton
Donald and Linda Haley
Pat Hammel
Frank Hassebrock and Meg Grossman
David and Karen Hedden
John and Kay Heerwald
Robert E. Heisler
Ann and Gary Helf
Julie Helland
Theresa Herrnstein
Lisa and Alan Hinson
Carol Hofbauer and Robert Fox
Susan Howson
Gisela Josenhans
David Jump and Eileen Pruett
Patty and Steve Kalbfleisch
Jane Karras
Karl and Carol Kill and Family
Dr. Karen Kirkham
A. Konstantinos
E. Kristiane Koontz
The Korzenok Family
Anastasia Kourlas
Midori Lane
Katie L. Laux
Dr. Wayne Lawson (d.)
Veronica Leahy
Jane M. Leiby
Karen Levin
Meredith Levine
Dennis and Joan Lombardi
The Malhame Family
Terry Kennedy Mancini
PollyAnn, Sawyer and Sadie Mapes
Jessica Nash
Jutta Neckermann
Susan M. Potter
Andrea and Jordan Reid
Christine A. and Philip R. Renico
David Riggs and William Goodyear
Beth and Jeff Rossi
Allison and Bryan Savage
Kennerly Sayre, Lily Sayre,
and Evan Sayre & Susan Mehler
Stephen Scarbrough and Kristin Smith
Miriam Siegfried
Jim and Karen Simon
Joyce and Doug Simson
Lynne and Steve Smith
Rochelle and Jules Steinberg
Joanne and Olga Strasser
Catherine Strauss and John Lowe
Jennifer Stump and Dennis Papp
Sandy and Fred Summer
Judith Taylor
Ruth Templeton
Linda and Robert Volkovitsch
David Voyles and Andy Miller
Sara Wadley
Adam Wagenbach and Kathleen Murphy
Charles and Betsy Warner
Carolyn McKaughn Watson
Kathy and Ira Weiss
Kathy and Gaylen Wilson
Julie Woods
Leslie Yenkin and Jonathan Petuchowski

Gifts Made to Honor or Remember an Individual

Gifts Made in Memory of an Individual

BalletMet is grateful to acknowledge these donors and those whose lives they remembered with a gift.
Acknowledged below are gifts made between July 1, 2023 and September 1, 2024.

Russ Anderhalt
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre

Marilyn and Russ Barnes
Patricia Barton
Marilyn and Keith Bedford
Lynne Brown and Jessica Hood
Joann Hensley
Marilyn R. Smith
Nancy Strause

Scholarship Fund
Pat and Danielle Short

Sharon Cohodes
Debby and Ira Kane
Sheila and Kevin Kroos
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre

Carol Forsythe
Jennifer Faler
Allan Forsythe
Debby and Ira Kane
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
James Saad
Nancy Strause

Jack Kamer
Elizabeth Bicknell and Kalpana
Linda and Ken Danter
Marion and Larry Fisher
Korine Fujiwara and Cameron Bennett
Grange Insurance friends and coworkers
Jane Henderson and Steve Vogel
Debby and Ira Kane
Dr. Karen Kirkham
Mary Pat Martin and Rick Livingston
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
Audri Rothschild
Allison, Bryan, Ainsley and Jillian Savage
Pat and Danielle Short
Nick Sico
Larry and Cheryl Simon
Scott Spira
Nancy Strause
Ron Tulley
Village of Bexley neighbors
Jo Anne Walter
Kathy and Gaylen Wilson
Donna and Mike Zianni

Renie and Irv Levey
Carol Boster Kotler and Mark Kotler

Jeanne and Gerry Livingston
Mary Pat Martin and Rick Livingston

Gail Lowe
Andrea Sebastian

Manfred Luttinger
Rose Luttinger

Richard Markle
Barbara Markle

Patsy and Woods Martin
Mary Pat Martin and Rick Livingston
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
Allison, Bryan, Ainsley and Jillian Savage
Larry and Cheryl Simon

Madeline Harris Meyers
Jonathan Frambes
Jill Hofmans
Megan Newport

Jill Jensen Sculley
Susan Fisher

Jack Short
Debby and Ira Kane

Ginny Skuse
Michael and Paige Crane
John and Chrissie Landolfi
Sally McDonald
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre

Laurence Stone
Linda Stone

Tom Tansky
David and Christy Ahnmark
Columbus Clippers
Eb Of Alpha Phi Sisters
Friends at the Columbus Blue Jackets
Robert and Crispen Limacher
Mary-Lynn Niland and Derek McClellan
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
Pat and Danielle Short

Sara “Sally” Williams
Trish and John Cadwallader

John Woods
Theresa Herrnstein

Tom Wortham
Ann and Gary Helf
Mike and Diane Lane
Andrea and Jordan Reid

Gifts Made in Honor of an Individual or an Occasion
BalletMet is grateful to acknowledge these donors and those whom they honored with a gift.
Acknowledged below are gifts made between July 1, 2023 and September 1, 2024.

Traci Bentley
John Becker
Rebecca Limestall
Rebecca Segel

Paige Crane
Beth Crane and Richard McKee

Larry and Marion Fisher
Don and Janey Davies

The Reverend John M. Kauffman
Ann and Gary Helf
Andrea and Jordan Reid

Edwaard Liang
Michael and Paige Crane

Mary Pat Martin
Michael and Paige Crane

Sue Porter
Jewel and Frank Benson
Michael and Paige Crane
Marion and Larry Fisher
Marina Rabinovich
Kennerly Sayre, Lily Sayre, and Evan Sayre & Susan Mehler

Victoria Powers and David Horn
Sandra Alibrando
Bev Darwin

Nancy Strause
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Markwood

Maria Torija
Bruno and Flora Cabanes
Steve and Doris Ing
Dave and Allyson Wessells

On the occasion of Erica Alvarado’s birthday
Melanie Samoy-Lutz and Lloyd Lutz
One Stop Travel

On the occasion of Erin Kelty’s birthday
Patrick Kelty

On the occasion of Cheryl Simon’s birthday
Joyce and George Becker


Community Partners

We are grateful to recognize the corporations, foundations, community organizations and government funding sources that support BalletMet and make our work possible.

Acknowledged below are gifts of $150 or more made between July 1, 2023 and September 1, 2024 to support operating expenses, special events and special campaigns.


The Columbus Foundation: recognizing support from the Jane H. Zimmerman Arts Fund
Greater Columbus Arts Council
Ohio Arts Council
State of Ohio Department of Development

$50,000 – $99,999

Nationwide Foundation

The Shubert Foundation

$25,000 – $49,999

American Electric Power Foundation
Liberty Mutual Foundation and the State Auto Fund
The Reinberger Foundation

$10,000 – $24,999

Beam Benefits
Crane Group Company
GFS Chemicals
Thomas R. Gross Family Foundation
Huntington National Bank
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
The Harry C. Moores Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
Ohio Children’s Foundation

$5,000 – $9,999

Bath & Body Works
Big Lots Foundation
Cardinal Health Foundation
Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
First Financial Bank
Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences and Office of Academic Affairs
Park National Bank
Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur LLP
Thrive Companies
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
E. F. Wildermuth Foundation

$1,500 – $4,999

Frontier Electric Services, Inc.
G Mechanical Inc.
Hanlin Rainaldi Construction
PNC Foundation
Protech Plumbing LLC
Stand Energy Corporation
Tansky Sawmill Toyota

$150 – $1,499

Capital Door Solutions
Celina Glass Co., Inc.
CK Construction Group
Columbus Clippers
J.D. Music Tile Company
Jezerinac Geers and Associates
Raymond and Pauline Kahn
Cultural Arts Endowment Fund
King Business Interiors, Inc.
Kroger Community Rewards
NCF CIM Fabricators, LLC
One Stop Travel
ProCon Professional Construction Services
Donald Schofield & Associates Inc.
S&S Shambaugh & Son, L.P.

In Kind Donations

Herbert Bresler and Cheryl Vaia
Creative Muse
Cameron Mitchell Premier Events
Diamond Cellar
Event Source
Beth and David Fisher
Grange Insurance Companies
Stacy and Joel Lilly
Nannu Singh, Professional Parking Services
October Ember
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
Schneider Downs & Co., Inc.

STEP BEYOND Campaign Donors 2015-2020

Gifts from these generous donors totaled over $6.2M and funded elevated artistry, including the creation of new works, collaborations with world-class choreographers and the purchase of sets and costumes. Enhancements to BalletMet’s Dance Campus added a large new studio, upgraded all existing studios and costume storage, and created a new gathering space to welcome our community. Thank you for investing in BalletMet’s future.

Anonymous (1)
State of Ohio

Susan and Grant Douglass
Nancy Strause

H.C.S. Foundation
Nationwide Foundation
The Reinberger Foundation


American Electric Power Foundation
Michael and Paige Crane
Crane Group
Jeff and Lisa Edwards
Thomas R. Gross Family Foundation
L Brands
Michael T. Miller and Jeffrey W. Davis


Anonymous (2)
Debbie Phillips Bower and George Richards
Allan and Carol (d.) Forsythe
Sarah and T.R. Gross
Debra D. and Frederick G. Hadley
Ann and Tom Hoaglin
Steel and Pamela Hutchinson
Melissa and Jonathan Kass
Douglas C. Lance, Jr. and Anne M. Smith
Thomas H. and Nancy N. Lurie
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
Robert D. Walter Family Foundation
Steven and Mary Weiler


The Ammendola Family
Diane Chang and Patrick Wiesel
Mary Duffey and Tony Logan
Marion and Larry Fisher
Lee and Wendy Jordan
Debby and Ira Kane
Edwaard Liang and John Kuijper
Mr. and Mrs. David M. McCurdy
Christopher McManus
Connie and Craig Walley


Jeffrey A. Ayres
Ellen German Berndt and George F. Knight
Jane and Michael Brady
Herbert Bresler and Cheryl Vaia
Trish and John Cadwallader
Beth Crane and Richard McKee
Dan and Christie Crane
Laura Dehlendorf Crane
Loann W. Crane (d.)
David and Anne Durell
Cheryl and John Evans
Gail Ferber
Beth and David Fisher
Kathleen M. Fox and J. Amery Fitch
Robert and Kathleen Gorman
Mike and Victoria Hayward
Eric and Tracy Henderson
Michele Holcomb
Huntington National Bank
The Reverend John M. Kauffman and Thomas Wortham (d.)
Edward and Kathy Kitchen
Jeff and Amy Loehnis
Cindy and Neil Lynch
Lucy Porter (d.)
Victoria E. Powers and David Horn
Mary and Rocky Robins
Larry and Cheryl Simon
Rebecca Slayman-Gallagher and Everett Gallagher
The E. F. Wildermuth Foundation
The Harry C. Moores Foundation
Philip and Joan Tieman
Robyn and David Wenzke


Checks and Balances, Inc.
Steven and Wendy Cohen
David Crane and Liz Dang
Jamie Crane and Tim Miller
Rob and Shannon Crane
Tanny Crane and John C. Wolff
Cynthia Hengeli and Paul Matrka
Patricia and Brent Jackson
Kate and Andy Jenks
Chris Olsen
Gina Olsen
Brad Ostroff
Anne Powell-Riley
Cheryl Roller and Chuck Taylor
The Shultz Family
Joan and Press Southworth III
Sandra and Dick (d.) Swanson
Bob and Marlo (d.) Tannous
Heidi and Jay Yurkiw


Anonymous (1)
Ty Boyle
Thomas and Patti Cotter
Bonny and Jim Fowler
Lisa Perks
Dr. Pam Popper
Mr. and Mrs. Brett P. Thornton
Randy Walters and Cindy Mushrush
Lallie Wetzig and Richard Embs
Donna and Mike Zianni


Anonymous (1)
Thomas Bay (d.) and Martha Kerr
Tiffany and Randy Cobb
Don and Barbie Gagliardo
John Haight and Leah Tsamous
Laura and Brandt Kleinschmidt
Donna K. Laidlaw
Adam and Stephanie Lewin
Mary Pat Martin and Rick Livingston
Cathy and Ed Rainaldi
Lance and Katie Rapp
Lisa Rovner and George Meyers
Lynette and Jared Shy
Scott and Susan Smith
Richard and Pamela Yost


Anonymous (1)
Dr. Barbara Braham and Rick Braveheart
Mark Fitzpatrick
Carolyn Hamm Koob and Matt Koob
Janine Ghelarducci
Frank Hassebrock and Meg Grossman
Timothy Lynch and Alex Dickson
Marge and Dave Olman
Tracy and Julie Peters
Jim and Laura Redmond
Barbara and Daniel Sheehan
Lisa Snide
Kathy and Alec Wightman
Dionysia Williams
Michael Yaffe and Karin Y. Stump


Anonymous (4)
Debra Belinky
Dr. Tom, Penny, and Kirby Boes
Troy and Kathleen Bonte
Kevin and Melanie Brown
Jonica and Ryan Burke
Gregory DeRosier and Kelly George
Dr. Alice Faryna
Mary Day Fewlass
Eugenia and Michael Johnson
Susan and Stephen Kirschner
Curt and Katherine Levis
Curt and Mimi Loveland
Jennifer and Paul Naumoff
Linda and Neil Palmer
R. L. and Barbara B. Richards
Seyman and Sadie Stern
John Wakelin and Anu Chauhan
Bruce and Jane Walsh
Hugh Westwater and Linda Larrimer
Dianne and Randy Williams
Jennifer Zmuda

Gifts to $249

Anonymous (7)
Candice Adea
Jessica Brown
Leigh Buckingham
Todd Clark
Hope Cooper
Brandon Curtis
Lynne and Carl Daehler
Carl and Kristina Donofrio
Aaron Eagle
Ambre Emory-Maier and Jeffrey Maier
Jennifer Farkas
Juliann and Phil Ferguson
Evelyn and Harvey Freeman
Sharon and Raimund Goerler
Kathy Goldberg
Dr. Philip B. Graham
Sue Green
Ardyth and James Gregory
Wendy and David Hauswirth
Krista Hazen
Jane Henderson and Steve Vogel
Mary Ann Hopper
Alexander Hyman
Dr. Gregory Barrett and Dr. Lynne Johnston
Irina Keller
Helen Kushnir
Jamie and Juan Lara
Stephanie Lawson
Beth Lenoble and Maury Walsh
Samantha Lewis
Margery Love
Jane and Sean Maxfield
Trece MikrutaHazard
Jenna Papai
Sarah and Brant Peters
Susan Van Pelt Petry and Ric Petry
Todd and Nyla Phillips
Judge Victor and Mrs. Carole Pontious
Bud and Debbie Prenatt
Erin and Derrick Rollins
Phyllis and Jerry Rovner
Melanie Ryan and Tony Sherer
Allison and Bryan Savage
Michael Sayre
Barbara Shramo
Lynne and Steve Smith
Elaine Spielberg
Taylor Starek
David and Annie Stephas
Dimitri Suslov and Carrie West
Emma Sword
Phil and Monica (Dorman) Tuttle
Christy and Pete Walters
Jill A. Whitworth
Evan and Nancy Williams
Janice Williams
Jim and Debb Wilson
Kathy and Gaylen Wilson
Karen Wing Ericson
Linda and Bostwick Wyman
Adam and Jennifer Wyse


The Nutcracker Ball 2022

The Nutcracker Ball

On December 10, 2022, BalletMet hosted a very special event at Field, home to the Columbus Crew. All proceeds support the BalletMet mission “To entertain, engage and educate through dance.” We are grateful to these sponsors and patrons of The Nutcracker Ball.

Presenting Sponsor
Beam Benefits

Platinum Table Sponsors

Duane Baggerly and Jim Cushing
Debbie Phillips Bower and George Richards
Cardinal Health
Susan and Grant Douglass
Kimball West
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre
Thrive Companies

Platinum Patrons

George Barrett
Herbert Bresler and Cheryl Vaia
Trish and John Cadwallader
Diane Chang and Patrick Wiesel
Roderick Chu
Beth and David Fisher
Marion and Larry Fisher
Michele Holcomb
Melissa and Jonathan Kass
Sarah and Jim Klingbeil
George Knight and Ellen Berndt
Deborah Neimeth
Jennifer and Steve Salopek
Robyn and David Wenzke
Nan Winslow

Gold Table Sponsors

American Electric Power
Big Lots
CI Budros Ruhlin Roe
Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
First Financial Bank
Rebecca and Everett Gallagher
GFS Chemicals
Grange Insurance Companies
Huntington National Bank
PNC Foundation
Porter, Wright, Morris, & Arthur LLP
Tansky Sawmill Toyota
The Ohio State University
College of Arts & Sciences and
Office of Academic Affairs
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP

Gold Patrons

George Aliulis and Mona Natwa
Todd and Christine Auch
Alfred H. Bivins
Tom and Carla Eisenloffel
Kathleen M. Fox and J. Amery Fitch
Lisa and Alan Hinson
The Reverend John M. Kauffman
Michael and Shauna Lehman
Cindy and Neil Lynch
James and Judy Sonnett
Jasmine Zellner and Mitchell Logan
Patti and John Ziegler

Event Supporters
Anonymous (2)
K.B. Bouman
Sadie and Seyman Stern

In-Kind Support
Diamond Cellar
DJ Sunny Jones
Event Source

A Night In Flight 2022

Performance Sponsor
The DeAscentis Family Fund

Champion Sponsors
Beth and David Fisher & Melissa and Jonathan Kass
The Hinson Family Trust
Sue Porter and Mike Sayre

Friends Sponsors

Bank of America
George Barrett
Debbie Phillips Bower and George Richards
Robert and Amanda Bundy
Hughes & Lewis
Sarah and Jim Klingbeil & Kelly and David Vaziri
Deborah Neimeth
New Albany Community Foundation
Park National Bank
The Round Table
Jon and Lisa Shiroma

Partners Sponsors

Jewel and Frank Benson
Budros, Ruhlin & Roe
Columbus Metropolitan Library
Denison University
Marah and John Derzon, Christine and Alex Freytag, Mary and Jeff Smith
Debra Hadley and Nancy Strause
Franklin and Linda Kass
Mac Murray & Shuster LLP
Dave and Elisa McCurdy
Panley, Weiser, Schlonsky, Ziegler, Gittins, Miriello & Brisk
Victoria Powers and David Horn
Rea & Associates, Inc., CPAs and Business Consultants
Jennifer and Steve Salopek
Slayman & Gallagher
Lynne and Steve Smith
Sean and Kathy Walther
Pamela and Richard Yost

Event Supporters

Anonymous (2)
David and Carol Aronowitz
Duane Baggerly and Jim Cushing
Lauretta Bain
Ruth Bank
Ellen Berndt and George Knight
Jim and Susan Berry
Alfred Bivins
Erin Blue
Stacey Borowicz
Herb Bresler and Cheryl Vaia
Jen Burke
Chris Close
Amanda Riggs Conner
Susan and Grant Douglass
Tom and Carla Eisenloffel
Gail Ferber
Marion and Larry Fisher
Jim Frey
T.R. and Sarah Gross
Hanlin Rainaldi Construction
Michele Holcomb
Debby and Ira Kane
Kephart Fisher LLC
Nancy Little
Marge Olman
Stephanie McManus Renda and Greg Renda
Amy Milbourne
Michele Tamarkin
Shiloh Todorov
The Village Partners Team | RE/MAX Consultant Group
Charlotte Yates
Mary Yerina and Bob Redfield
Heidi Yurkiw
Jasmine Zellner and Mitchell Logan
Mara Ziminski and Bonnie Upp

In-Kind Support
FoldedHeartDesign on Etsy





Please email [email protected] and let us know the best way to reach you. We love to hear from our donors!

Images and Video by Jennifer Zmuda