The summer is finally here and I have officially begun my marketing internship at BalletMet. Much like the little campers I pass in the lobby, I am excited, anxious, eager and, most importantly, thrilled to be surrounded by dance. To give a brief summary of who I am, my name is Colleen and I am a senior at Otterbein University with a major in international studies, minors in both French and dance, and a strong focus on business (I know. It’s a mouthful). I began dancing when I was 4-years-old in Philadelphia and have been in love with it since that first class. My mother and I had season tickets to the Pennsylvania Ballet for years, and dance has remained the one reassuring constant in my ever-changing life.
As I’ve grown up, I have realized that not everyone finds that one thing that they’re passionate about. It is clear to me, that whatever I do, it must be related to dance; and that is how I found myself here at BalletMet. Already, I can tell that the atmosphere of this company is so different from anywhere else that I ever have and ever will work. It’s obvious that the surroundings support creativity, not like the cluttered and fluorescently lit environment of a typical office job or even worse, retail. The people have been overwhelmingly friendly (something I am still not accustomed to after growing up in Philadelphia) and I could not feel more welcome.
I can tell that the next few months are going to be a great learning experience. Already on my first day I got to sit in on a strategy meeting which immediately immersed me in the inner workings of BalletMet. Although everything is still so new, I’m not nearly as overwhelmed as I thought I would be. In fact, I feel downright comfortable here.
Look forward to my future entries on my summer here, preparations for the 2011-2012 season and maybe a few updates from the Nutcracker himself!
– Colleen