Ever wonder what it takes to get a show up under the lights? Follow Dorothy and the Prince of Oz on its journey from studio to stage!
December 13, 2022
- Initial casting meeting to determine which Company dancers will learn which roles.
December 23, 2022
- Sets delivered from Tulsa, OK.
January 5, 2023
- Sets and puppets assembled in studios.
- First draft of the playbill sent out for copy edits.
January 6, 2023
- Studio floors are fully taped, mapping the layout of the stage and set pieces on our marley.
January 7, 2023
- Academy students return from break and begin to rehearse Oz.
January 9, 2023
- Company dancers return from break. Full rehearsal schedule begins!
January 10, 2023
- Costume fittings! Each costume is altered to best fit the dancers.
January 26, 2023
- Costumes start to be used in rehearsals
January 27, 2023
- Company members and all Academy student casts start rehearsing together.
January 30, 2023
- Casting announced! This may change a few times over the next few days, and even up until the day of the show. The most up to date casting can always be found at the BalletMet website.
January 31, 2023
- Playbill goes to print, after many rounds of editing.
February 1, 2023
- Theatre checklist sent to the Ohio Theatre manager. The checklist outlines how long BalletMet will be there, which rooms we need access to, how many performances, what support we will need from the Ohio, and all sorts of things like that. It makes sure that we have everything we need to put on a wonderful show.
February 6, 2023
- Theatre load-in. Sets, costumes, props, and assorted frippery are all brought to the theatre and constructed.
February 7, 2023
- Tech rehearsals begin! Lighting is set, music cues are sorted out, and the dancers get used to the stage.
February 10, 2023
- Morning at the Ballet and Senior Dress Rehearsal take place in the morning, offering select audiences a sneak peek.
- Once the sun goes down, it’s opening night! The curtain opens on Dorothy and the Prince of Oz for the first of five shows.
February 11, 2023
- Day two of shows! There is both a matinee and an evening show. There are different casts for each show, so the dancers get a chance to rest.
February 12, 2023
- Final show day! Another matinee, another evening show, and that’s it!
- Theatre strike/load-out begins after the curtain falls. BalletMet has to get all of our things out of the theatre quickly so that it is ready for the next organization to perform.
February 13, 2023
- Dancer day off, then back in the studios to get ready for March’s Celebration of New Works.
Want to be part of the process? Check out the performance dates and times here!
Written by Sara Wagenmaker
Photos by Jennifer Zmuda and Joe Seaton