All urges to correct my grammatical error aside, June 13-17 really is the funnest week of the year according to Christina Rogers, managing director of The Dance Academy and director of BalletMet’s SummerDance Camp.
This year, to encourage students to dance the day away, BalletMet is presenting Step In Time! Whether it’s stepping in time with the music or stepping into a different time period, BalletMet’s SummerDance Camp offers a variety of dance genres that are sure to be a hit with dancers of any skill level. From 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, students are given the opportunity to make new friends and increase their fitness, all while having fun. Fun, friends and fitness – what could be better than that?
Despite its name, the SummerDance Camp isn’t ALL about dance. Attendees get to experience a mixture of the arts: dancing, improv acting, arts & crafts and much more. They’ll even get to view demonstrations by company dancers and learn more about visual imagery and what goes into costume design!
Today, I got to sit down with Sarah Wilson, a pre-professional student here at BalletMet. (Just a little background on the pre-pro program: it’s designed for students of classical ballet who have reached an advanced level of study and are preparing to begin a career as a professional dancer.) Anyway, I must say that she was the perfect person to speak with to get a better feel for the camp. You could say that Sarah has seen it all. She’s gone from camper to counselor and experienced everything in between.
In case you didn’t know, in order to be a counselor for the SummerDance Camp, hopefuls must submit a resume, cover letter and references. Once Mrs. Rogers has reviewed their application, they’re interviewed. Being a counselor is no joke, people. Applicants must have a strong desire to be a part of the camp and exhibit qualities that are conducive to the overall environment.
Read on to see what Sarah has to say about her experience!
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Q: As a camper, what was your favorite part?
A: My favorite part probably was the fact that it wasn’t strict ballet. I had never done jazz or modern and I got to learn those. I also liked working with the older students who I knew. I got to meet a lot of kids that don’t actually take ballet regularly, too.
Q: As a counselor, what was your favorite part?
A: I enjoy seeing the new kids each year. Seeing the transformation from Monday to Friday is incredible. The fact that they’re able to learn three different styles of dance in that time is pretty cool, too!
Q: Will you be a counselor this year?
A: Yes!
Q: What would you tell parents who are on the fence about registering their kids for this year’s SummerDance Camp?
A: I would say that it’s a good way to get your kid out there. At SummerDance Camp, they get a little taste of everything. They’re also in good hands all day (from the counselors to the professional teachers) and they’ll be tired when they get home! At the end of the camp, they’re also able to show what they’ve learned to their parents. They can show that they got something out of it!
Q: In five years, do you see dance still playing a major role in your life?
A: Hopefully, yes!