The Story of West Side Story
Although based on Shakespeare’s most famous play, Romeo & Juliet, West Side Story has its own identity and storyline that brings you the heartbreaking story of two lovers torn apart by warring loved ones. Below, read the synopsis of Jerome Robbins’ story!
Act I
The play opens with a balletic prologue, half-danced, and half-mimed, showing the growing resentment between the Jets, a gang of white “American” boys, and the Sharks, a Puerto Rican gang. Lt. Schrank and Officer Krupke, fed up with all the violence on their beat, chase the Sharks away, leaving the Jets to plot a “rumble” with the Sharks (“Prologue”). The Jets’ leader, Riff, plans to challenge the Shark’s leader, Bernardo, at the dance that evening. He then plans to convince his best friend Tony, a former Jet who is trying to keep on the straight and narrow, that he should join the gang at the dance. Despite some doubts that Tony will remain loyal to the gang, Riff assures the other Jets that he’s here to stay (“Jet Song”). Riff meets Tony at Doc’s Drugstore, where he’s been working, and though Tony initially refuses, Riff eventually prevails. Tony, leaving the drugstore, feels that that evening will be the beginning of something (“Something’s Coming”).
Meanwhile, Maria, a recent immigrant from Puerto Rico, is working in Anita’s bridal shop. Maria is betrothed to Chino, a friend of her brother Bernardo’s, but confesses to Anita that she does not love him. Anita remakes Maria’s communion dress into a stunning gown to wear to the dance that night.
At the gym, which has been converted into a ragtag dancehall, the Jets and the Sharks stand on opposite sides of the floor. Glad Hand, the nerdy chaperone, calls out instructions for the dance, attempting to get the groups to mix (“Dance at the Gym”). When Tony wanders late into the gym, he catches eyes with Maria. They connect immediately and begin to dance, but their budding romance is quickly interrupted by Bernardo, who warns Tony to stay away from his sister. Riff catches Bernardo’s eye and challenges him to a rumble. Maria is sent home with Chino and Bernardo and the Sharks agree to meet Riff and the Jets for a war council at Doc’s.
Later that night, Tony finds Maria’s fire escape, and serenades her (“Maria”). Maria appears from her bedroom, and the two profess their love for each other. Bernardo then calls Maria inside, and Tony runs away. Bernardo scolds Maria for her naivete, claiming that neither Maria nor their parents understand what it means to live in America. Anita attempts to keep Bernardo from leaving for the rumble, but he keeps to the plan and leaves. While Rosalia expounds on how much she loves America, Anita tells Maria of the racism and unfairness they face (“America”). Maria manages to sneak back outside, and she and Tony say goodnight and make plans to meet the next day (“Tonight”).
At the drugstore, the Jets are getting antsy. Doc, the drugstore owner, bemoans the violent rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, disappointedly calling the boys “hoodlums.” Action and A-Rab are offended, and try to start a fight, but Riff convinces them to save their steam for the rumble (“Cool”). The Sharks arrive, and the two gangs discuss the coming rumble. Tony suggests a “fair fight”– using only fists– which the gangs agree to. Bernardo is disappointed to learn that he will fight Diesel, not Jets leader Riff. When the boys leave the drugstore, Tony tells Doc about Maria. Doc is concerned about the implications of this romance, but Tony is too deeply in love to care.
The next day, at the bridal shop, Anita tells the the love-giddy Maria of the coming rumble, and when Tony arrives, Maria begs Tony to stop the fight. Tony agrees, and the lovers fall to dreaming of their wedding (“One Hand, One Heart”).
Act II
As the day progresses, Tony, Maria, Anita, Bernardo and the Sharks, and Riff and the Jets anticipate the coming nights’ events (“Tonight Quintet and Chorus”). When night falls, the two gangs meet under the highway, and Bernardo and Diesel begin to fight. Tony arrives, and attempts to convince the two to stop. Bernardo teases Tony mercilessly for his “weakness,” and though Tony remains calm, Riff responds by punching Bernardo. This spurs the men to unsheath their switch blades, and begin to fight in earnest (“The Rumble”). Tony attempts to intervene, but his efforts accidentally cause Bernardo to fatally stab Riff. In a wave of anger, Tony retaliates by stabbing Bernardo to death, which then launches both gangs into a vicious battle that echoes the fight in the Prologue. When police sirens are heard, the men disperse, except Tony, who is standing over Bernardo, horrified at his actions. Anybodys, the tomboy wannabe Jet, warns Tony to leave before the cops come. Just in time, Tony flees, leaving only the dead bodies of Riff and Bernardo under the highway.
Meanwhile, Maria is in the bridal shop with Anita, Consuelo, Rosalia, and others, giddy with her love for Tony (“I Feel Pretty”). Later that evening, Maria celebrates, as she had seen Tony running to the rumble, apparently to stop it. However, Chino arrives with terrible news: Tony has killed Maria’s brother Bernardo. In shock, confusion, and grief, Maria runs to her room, where she is surprised to see Tony. At first, Maria is furious, pounding on Tony’s chest, but soon her anger fades. The lovers plan to run away together, and as they sink to the bed, fade into a dream of their happy future together (“Somewhere”).
Elsewhere, A-Rab and Action are set upon by Officer Krupke, but manage to escape him. Meeting up with the rest of the Jets, the gang launches into an amusing rant about their troubles with Officer Krupke in an attempt to lighten the mood (“Gee, Officer Krupke”). Anybodys arrives and tells the gang that she saw Chino looking for Tony with a gun. The gang splits up to look for Tony, and Action welcomes Anybodys into the gang at last.
As the sun rises the next morning in Maria’s room, Tony is getting ready to leave. He tells Maria to meet him at Doc’s so they can run away together. She promises to do so. A grieving Anita arrives, and sees that Tony had been with Maria. She scolds Maria furiously and curses Tony for his actions (“A Boy Like That”). Maria responds by telling Anita of the power of her true love (“I Have a Love”). Anita realizes that Maria’s love for Tony is like hers was for Riff, and softens. She informs Maria that Chino is looking for Tony with a gun.
Schrank arrives at Maria’s to question her about Tony’s disappearance. Anita promises Maria that she will go to Doc’s and tell Tony to wait for her. When she arrives, she finds that the Jets have Tony and are gathered at Doc’s. They taunt Anita with racist slurs and cruelty, eventually raping her. Doc enters, horrified. In Anita’s anger and grief, she tells the Jets that Chino has shot Maria dead. Doc relays this message to Tony, who is overcome with grief at the loss of his love.
Feeling that life is no longer worth living, Tony leaves Doc’s to find Chino, hoping to die at the same gun as his lover. However, when Tony does find Chino, he also finds Maria, alive– but before the lovers can come together, Chino shoots Tony. He falls to the ground, dying, and Maria rushes to him, weeping (“Finale”). The Jets and Sharks both arrive, and begin to gear up to continue the fight, when Maria grabs the gun. She threatens the others with it, telling them that they killed Tony with their hate: “Now I can kill too, because now I have hate!” Maria eventually drops the gun, unable to shoot, and falls to her knees in grief. Gradually, the two gangs come together and lift Tony’s body, beginning a somber, if peaceful, funeral procession, with Maria at the rear.