From reruns of favorite TV shows to interesting podcasts and YouTube workouts, our dancers have been watching, reading and listening to a variety of content while they stay at home. Below, they share a few of their favorite books, shows and movies.
Rachael Parini
In the beginning of quarantine, I was re-watching a lot of my favorite TV shows: Golden Girls, Schitt’s Creek, Brooklyn 99 and Frasier. After that, I finally introduced my husband to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I was a minor comic book nerd growing up, and an avid (rabid?) fan of the movies since they started coming out, so it’s been a joy watching him discover my beloved superheroes for the first time. We’ve been watching one or two per week, in chronological order; we’re currently on Captain America: Civil War. Most recently, and most rewardingly, I’ve been volunteering to help coordinate foster homes or adoptions for animals that have been displaced due to the pandemic. As a result of that work, Solomon and I wound up adopting a seven month-old German Shepherd puppy who came from a traumatic past, so I’ve been spending most of my time training him, and working to help him realize the world isn’t such a bad place! I named him Gambit, and he’s absolutely darling. He loves learning, and he gets along with Diva, his new big little sister, beautifully.
Jacob Beasley
I’m currently re-watching the Harry Potter series to pass the time. I’ve also been playing lots of card games and going on lots of walks to get some fresh air (while keeping my distance from others).
Karen Wing
I find that I’ve been bouncing back and forth between being super productive some days and not so productive other days. In general, I’m definitely trying to make the most of this time and use it for house projects that my husband and I’ve been wanting to do. We started our garden in our backyard this year, and I’ve been working on doing a DIY bathroom makeover to our upstairs bathroom. I painted the vanity and am going to build a frame for our mirror that we have. I also try to workout every day, whether it’s ballet barre, Pilates or going for a walk with my dog, Fiona. I’ve also been teaching Pilates (virtually) for Pilates Innovations, and it’s been fun and challenging figuring out how to adapt to the times. Even though I enjoy being busy, I’ve found that some days I just need some down time. Maybe it’s the stress of this situation or just needing a break, but I’ve definitely been binge-watching some Netflix, and I enjoy listening to podcasts while I’m working on a project or mowing the lawn. The latest thing my husband and I watched on Netflix was the latest season of Ozark. It’s so good, but I have to close my eyes at the gruesome parts! We also just started watching Bless this Mess, which is more lighthearted and funny. For podcasts, I like to listen to Crime Junkie and Imagined Life. My music selection varies—everything from classical to country to pop to alternative. My favorite way to listen to music is just to open up my Amazon music app and click on whatever station it suggests for me that day and then follow the artists from there that interest me. I have been working to find balance on a daily basis as I think it’s the best shot I have at staying sane right now!
Leiland Charles
I’m currently reading a thriller called The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena. I’m also re-watching all seasons of Law & Order: SVU on Hulu, as well as a animated series by Seth MacFarlane called American Dad. Also, I’m playing lots and lots of video games—mostly Dance Dance Revolution to help stay in shape!
Carly Wheaton
It sounds strange, but Gabe and I don’t normally watch a lot of Netflix. During this quarantine, we got into Breaking Bad. We’re a little late to the party, but we’re hooked! I’m also reading For the Love of Men: A New Vision for Mindful Masculinity by Liz Plank. I find Liz Plank to be an inspiration. She is fearless in her quest to break down and analyze today’s gender norms. And I’m listening to the podcast Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard. It’s always a great interview! Dax Shepard sits down with a wide range of professionals, from social scientists to fellow actors. The interviews always lead somewhere authentic and insightful.
Kristie Latham
Lately, I try to stick to the same schedule to have some structure to my day. I spend the afternoon drinking coffee, catching up on news, working on client projects for my graphic + web design business, online shopping and browsing social media. I appreciate so much staying connected and seeing what everyone else is doing to stay busy at home. Later in the day, I do ballet barre, focusing on relevés, turn out exercises, balance exercises and maintaining extension, followed by my favorite YouTube Pilates class by Nicole Kastoun and some ankle physical therapy exercises given to me by our athletic trainers, Hope and Megan. In the evenings, I make a new recipe from my favorite food blogger, Tieghan Gerard of Half Baked Harvest. I generally try to pick ones that are a bit lengthy because it’s something to do—and they’re also the tastiest! Afterwards, I’ll watch a show or a movie, play a board game with my husband, paint or FaceTime with friends and family.
Dancers pictured: Karen Wing, Rachael Parini, Leiland Charles and Kristie Latham
Photos: Jennifer Zmuda